Maurita Tollestrup. Powered by Blogger.

already April???

Time has just flown by, it is almost spring here, (in other places it is spring, but here the grass is just starting to show from under all the snow), Tagg starts playschool next week, Forrest is almost 2mos, Berkeley's hair is getting so long and curly (esp. compared to her butch-do last summer). It just seems like the days are flying by, as I look back over the week I can't another week has passed. It is starting to slow-down a bit for Scott, which is nice as we actually get to see him, but work = money so I'll never complain about his hours. We hope to get down south to see Kwade in May. He is involved with a dance recital and has been working really hard with all the routines. Hip hop, jive, etc. So we can't wait to see him perform.

I am doing the same old, same old. kids, cleaning, tv, laundry and a bit of scrapping when I can manage it. I've actually become kinda lazy with the scrapping stuff. I think I just need new photos to scrap. I really haven't taken too many of Forrest. Will have to plan a little photo shoot with the kiddies soon.

I am searching for the best play dough recipe. If anyone has a favorite let me know. I've tried many (& it may just be the cook) but most are too dry and make a huge mess.

I've also rejoined Weight Watchers and am looking for favorite easy low-point meals. Any suggestions let me know. My fave treat thus far is the Snackbread crackers with mustard and thinly sliced turkey. 6 crackers =only 1 pt, mustard=0, and 4 thin slices of meat=1pt. so a little snack that is only2pts. add some lettuce, tomatoes, S&P and you get quite full (0r as full as you can be for only 2pts.) plus add my favorite Diet Dr. Pepper (which I only drink once in a while so it really maintains it's "treat" status) & I am quite happy. We'll see how the WW goes. I really would like to lose a bit of this baby fat-pre-summer so I have more energy and can fit into my old clothes....we'll see


.Ang. said...

I know Savannah is doing Weight watchers online, She might have some insight to share!

Sounds like you're all doing well! (keeping busy!) It's nice that spring is in the air! We keep getting hit with snow.. EVERY WEEK! then it melts just in time to get some more.

Take Care!!!

Love Ya!

Shel said...

2 1/2 C Flour
1/2 C Salt
1 TBSP Alum or Cream of Tartar
2 Cups Boiling Water
2 1/2 TBSP Vegetable Oil
Food Coloring

There are two methods:(1)Combine water, oil & bring to a boil. Add other ingredients. Mix and knead till smooth. Separate into smaller pieces and add desired food coloring. Knead to mix in color
Method(2)put dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Pour in boiling water. Mix until smooth.
**A fun way to color playdough is with koolaid powder (without the sugar)add it to the water if doing 1 color for the recipe.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mo. Glad to hear you guys are doing so well, busy, but well. Just the way we like it! Thank you so much for the fun toy and the super cute outfit for Ochiel. That was so unexpected and totally made my day! We would so love to see you guys if you are headed down here soon. Love ya! Jody

Sarah Shaw said...

did my playdough recipe not work???
....must be the cook J/K