Maurita Tollestrup. Powered by Blogger.


OK, our child has been doing the Shaggy-do for some time, but today we decided that the warmer weather will be here and we needed to see our child's eyes again. So Scott got out the clippers and after some tough talking, 2-person hold downs, bribery (in the form of chocolate kisses) I am so happy it is short. Seems like he grew up instantly too, a little taller, brighter eyes, whiter hair. Tagg went to a buddy's soccer party, wore his soccer clothes, and his touque. Wouldn't take it off, so the kids couldn't see his hair. Then tonight he was talking to Grandma Liz and when asked what happened to his hair, he replied, "daddy hurt it". hahahaha:) What a meanie. (actually Scott was a little teary-eyed afterwards seeing how big his boy has grown --couldn't stop giving him some tight loves.)


Sonia said...

Tell Scotty to quit "hurting Tagg's hair". hahaha I know the feeling of them growing up with just a hair cut. I look at pix of my kids, especially Maddux last summer and he looks so much older. Not sure if I like it, but what do you do. Hopefully it continues to warm up there. If not, you're more than welcome to come down and visit. 90 degrees by the weekend!!! :o) Did I say, POOL TIME?


Anonymous said...

I love it. Buz cut. That torture was also appled to Riley friday night. Ya I thought it was a good idea if the weather would ever warm up and stay warm.
We love you guys and can't wait to see you. Happy Easter!

Shel said...

Scott you are a talented barber (wiggly subjects are pretty tricky). Tagg you are so brave. The haircut makes you look so grown up. It looks great. Maurita I love to see and hear the latest. Have a Happy Easter! Luv ya,