Maurita Tollestrup. Powered by Blogger.


Here are a couple pix of the kiddies playing a game called "Buttheads". I bought it YEARS ago when my bestest gal Angie and I went to NYC for the weekend. I found it this weekend and the kids love it. amazing what you can do with a little velcro hat and soft squishy balls.

Berkeley eating her favorite lunch, PB & Raspberry Jam--minus the crusts

I'm getting spring fever but no where to go. Scott has been super busy driving, managing, arranging, dispatching may get 2-4 hrs of sleep/night. Haven't really seen much of him this month. But that just means work is going good-- Hallelujah!! It will soon slow down as the weather warms up and he will be home again.

It has been so great to chat with family & friends lately. Thanks to everyone for their emails, call, cards, gifts....I am sorry if I haven't called you back but appreciate you thinking of us and taking time to dial. That also goes for emails; yup got some broken fingers in that department too. This is about the best I can do so forgive me if I get too personal (it is my journal) or treat this like a mass email (it is that too).

So I am missing my friend Carey... (how is Boise??) you are missing a maddening melting mass of muck (AKA dirty gross snow)!! By the time you get back it will all be gone (hopefully). I am finishing up my new pages and always get advice from her; feeling a little lost without her honest opinions. I may put it on here, but I'm not sure whether I love it, or hate it.... just one of those.


.Ang. said...

We used to have that game!! I think uncle jon got it for us WAY back when!

SOOOOOO I should probably call you sometime. We've got our show on friday! i'm sick... Hopefully i can stillpull it off..
we'll post some of it on the blog when we get back!

Love you

Shel said...

Looks like a funny game. I love hearing all about the kids and you and Scott and life in GP. I'm amazed that you take the time to post stuff on your blog. I sure enjoy keeping in touch. You are amazing with three busy kids. Luv ya,

Anonymous said...

Mo, nice pictures. In one of the pictures I noticed that i have the same AE shirt that Scott is wearing. Also, nice links in your blog to different sites. Doing a little marketing are we????
Glad to hear that things are busy for you guys! We look forward to meeting little Forrest in the next few months (hopefully).
Take Care,
love-Brent, Amber and Carter

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