Maurita Tollestrup. Powered by Blogger.

Already Fall??

I can't believe the leaves are falling off the trees and we are heading into the long winter battle. ugg. The thought of dressing and undressing 4 kids to go to school 3X/day in the cold winter...makes me want to pack up and skip the border. Come and get us you border patrol you!

We have been blessed to enjoy a few nice days. I need to take advantage of them and get outside toys and such organized sooooon. Before it is cold out and I am doing it all in the snow! I am loving that the skies are getting dark again early. In the summer it is difficult to get kiddies to bed, because it stays light till too late, but now it is dark by 8P (and even earlier) so the kids are off to dreamland, and momma can get a few things done.... OK that is the plus for winter time here, but only one!

1 comment

K's said...

I love your border patrol comment-the little meltdowns getting everyone dressed for the winter weather is such torture. I remember them too well. I loved it when my bus driver neighbor would finish his shift early and stay with the two napping boys so I didn't have to wake them up and fight them into winter clothes to pick up the other two boys at school. Remember that you are doing the most important work there is!