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Summer Time

I am so looking forward to the summer. My kids have been happily playing outside. I'll have to get the photos off my camera so I can snap a few shots. After so many months being trapped in our house, it is great to see them roaming the yard. Tagg spent a couple hours on Sat digging for worms. At first he was scared of them but within the hour that kid had a whole "farm".  Berkeley and Forrest spent the last couple days making MUD PIES. Every big bowl in our house and pitchers are outside covered in mud. They loved every minute. We are here for another week, before heading to Raymond for the summer. The kids are registered for Swim Lessons, there will be lots of cousins and friends to play with. All summer long. I love it. It really is the chance for a little freedom and friendships, as it is the only time of the year we get out of GP. We are hoping to spend time with our Audenart Family at the lake in Montana, but all depends on our passport situation. Dropped the ball on that one. Need to make a plan for July so we are busy and the kiddies are played out--

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