Maurita Tollestrup. Powered by Blogger.

My Latest 5 Favorite Things

Here is just a few of my Favorite things.

I am a list-person. I have several notebooks around my house full of To Do's, ideas, journal entries....etc. My friend Carey knows this and picked up this ulta-swell notebook for me at Target. Love it. especially with the pen included!

These little darlings are the cutest seafoam green Adidas sneakers. My sis Amelia gave them to Forrest. Everyday I try them on him, they don't fit yet, but I don't want to miss anytime that he could be wearing these "kicks".

How do I say "Thank you"?? This soother clip is one of my most favorite baby items. It came in the mail unexpectedly last week-- a sweet gift from my even sweeter bestest pal-Tiffany. She was my very best childhood friend. Now years later we live in opposite ends of the continent (she in Texas, me in northern Alberta) but somehow though time & distance seperate us she's still there for me. Thanks Tiff! It was not only a perfect boy gift--he wears it on every outfit, but completely thoughtful and LOVED!

These hairclips are killer. They combine my 2 loves: my girl and scrapbooking. Of course Berkeley's fabulous Aunt Talia made them and sent them up for her birthday (along with a shimmery hot pink tutu--love it!). They are simple flowers glammed up with a little bling for her hair. We wear one almost everyday. Gorgeous.

I have 2 little picky eaters. All we need in our food storage is Ichiban and Mac & Cheese and we'll be set. So for Easter Grandma Helen gave us this book of great kid treats and party ideas. I love recipe books, and ones with pictures are even better. I have read and re-read this book over and over. See the picture of the painted pancakes? So simple and fun. Tagg and I will look at this book and he'll tell me about who gets which birthday cake for their birthdays, as well as which pictures he wants to try for lunch.

to paint the pancakes, just take a tablespoon of batter & mix it with a couple drops of food coloring. Pour your pancakes on the griddle like normal, then paint your design on them. Flip. Ta-Da! (of course they don't ever look as good as in the book, but my kids love them. Yesterday we had fish ones, hearts, smileys, xoxo)

1 comment

Anonymous said...

What a fun blog entery. That sucky string is awesome!! and those hair clips are the coolest! I can't believe that those shoes don't fit yet. Thats a good thing cause they will be too small all to soon.
Love you!