Tagg just celebrated 10yrs. How FUN! How Sad! in less time than we've had him in our home, he will be leaving our home (hopefully). Only 8 more years until he is 18? My heart can't take it, the tears well up every time I think of it. I have so much to teach him, so little time and yet I fall short of my many tasks.
Some days my kids are BFF's; other days they can't stand each other. Hitting and fighting and unkind words and hands (can I admit that Elle is sometimes the bully here?? BAHHHHH) I struggle finding the balance of my personal goals, my job aspirations, my desire to serve and teach my family & still find time to be with my cute Mr. T
Does everyone struggle with this??
I'm working on systems, I'm putting together job chart, I'm full of good intentions-- what I want. But getting out of the figuring stages to the DOING stages is killing me. I think I am on the Road to hell... (paved with good intentions!)
I have lists and lists and 1/2 worked projects--- maybe that is why I am a great manager?? I can work out details, figure out the action plan... but need to pass it on to others to complete?? How could I get so much accomplished back when I was working full-time and lack so badly at home??? Need more accountability I think! More pressure. Which is what posting this out in open is... my Vulnerability.
So again let's play a little catch up on our life and knock this TO DO off my list so I can get moving on to something fun like doing laundry, or mopping my kitchen floor......
OUR SUMMER (so far) with Mine and Tagg's birthdays; time playing with family. spray parks, pools, playgrounds, parades, lakes, Scentsy Convention (ME)..... just a few:
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