Maurita Tollestrup. Powered by Blogger.

Latest Creation

For something I didn't enjoy making I sure put on alot of pix. Perhaps because this little project almost got the better of me. But after many hours undoing, washing, scrubbing, is done.
I had to finish it for my LSS-- only a month late (oops-sorry), I had to have some extra help on Friday night, because after attempting this acrylic clear album for 3-4Xs, I finally gave up. So Friday, after Tagg's soccer & ice cream I went to the scrap store with a few other ladies who were super encouraging. I got the majority of the work done there, then brought it home to add embellishments and other stuff. I just couldn't get my mind around the fact that whatever I put on the one side you could see on the other side. I love the scalloped edge of the album, but it also meant that I had to keep the papers/photo in the middle of the book; or cut around all those scalloped edges (no thanks! too much work).

I call this my "Musings"-- I added a few little quotes & picts of the kids-- since they are where the majority of my comtemplation and reflection comes from. I am also just finishing a sample album for my sis Robin. She and her huband own the canadian rights to the Photobooth Co.
; one of their options for clients is to have them put together an album filled with photos from the photo booth, and handwritten comments from their guests. So she asked me to design something. Now I am not Talia, but I've kept it pretty basic, using some digi-stuff to fill up the pages. But in surfing the web, I found this most beautiful quote. My new Favorite:

"I will always love her.
She will always know."

you could even switch it for your kids ("I will always love them. They will always know.")

I've been reminded how precious my babies are, even if they've become SASSY. whew... lately I am so frustrated by what little unkind people they have become-- where do they get it all??? Scott & I have been trying hard to curb their words (I hate you, you are a bad mommy) and their hitting, scratching....(Berke has 5nail scratches down her back right now from her big brother, he even drew blood! After it was funny to hear her lecture him "You don't touch my body!"). We feel like we are slowly losing the battle.... I truly hope this is all a stage & soon I'll recognize my little ones again.


Anonymous said...



Tamara said...

Absolutely gorgeous! You are so darn talented - always have been.

As for the kids, I'm so sorry. I always ask myself how such cute little packages can be so rotten at times? It is stressful and I always question if I'm doing the job they need me to. I have to constantly remind myself that their strong will and opinions and independence are good qualities (albeit miserable right now) and will serve them well and are crucial in today's world. Hang in there. I know you and Scott are great parents!

Anonymous said...

Those are incredible Mo! I love to see what your latest creation is. You have such a talent.

I wish I was there to help you with those huligans...I miss them so. I can just hear their sassyness and just smirk a little and KNOW your feelings. Cherish the day it will all be worth it...I'm hopeful aren't I??? But as they get bigger so do the problems...oh the joy.

Talia said...

your album is awesome, mo! i have some clear stuff that i want to play with but haven't taken the can be hard to use! but yours is awesome!

isn't it interesting how our little angels can be so darn nasty at times? yours aren't the only ones, trust me!

Angie said...

Hey you. I just got tagged and so I am sending it on. Read my blog. If you have done this one tell me which archieve it is under so I can read it. How are you! I love your work. It looks like you are having so much fun. I am digging in to Photography and reading everything I can get my hands on so any great info you learn from your class send my way. Take care.

MEG said...

UNBELIVABLE! I just want a plain album with pictures in it, and can't seem to get that done! You have three children, and make something as beautiful as that! GOOD JOB! I also LOVE that quote, I read it to Dave, and even gave a response, so it must be that good!