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Red Deer Photo Shoot

I have been slacking; but wanted to share photos from our trip to Red Deer via Talia. Here we are together. The first time we've met half of our little cousins--Osh 1yr, Gabby 10mos, & Jack 6mos. It was a fun time. Grandma's house was a disaster afterwards, but what great memories we shared. Thanks mom and dad for having us and letting our Chaos become yours (even for only a few hours) luv ya!!


Shel said...

The kids are sooo gorgeous. I'd say that was lots of action. It might have been a little more calm without the 'grass'. Hope you are enjoying a great vacation.
Luv ya,

Amelia said...

Mo I love the pics. So cute of all the kids. My favorite though is Tagg, In the first pic with his head in his hands.

Maureen said...

Maurita, those pics from the photo shoot are so cute. I love the one where tagg is covering his face.