Maurita Tollestrup. Powered by Blogger.

Home Stuff

Every day seems a little crazier. Look at poor Berkeley. She slipped on her too-big pjs and slammed her head on the corner of the kitchen chair I was sitting on. Since she was walking towards me it actually felt like it was happening in slow motion. Her bruise on her forehead was a HUGE goose-egg sitting about 2" off her melon. Scott could hardly look at her because it was too bad. So she has been wearing a lot of hats to hide all her bruises and bumps. With an older brother and just getting the hang of walking there are actually new bruises and bumps daily.

They love their little yard (as do I). They sit together in their chairs, soaking up the sunshine or drinking up their slurpees (thank goodness the MAC store is only 2 blocks aways--seems to be our summertime ritual). I put up their little castle and tunnel from Ikea. They think it is so fun, unfortunately it doesn't actually stick into the ground so if Berke pats the window too hard & loses her balance...flip goes the castle with child inside.

I am trying to stay on top of house stuff. Seems like I have clutter and chaos everywhere. I put Karlee in charge of reorganizing & tossing a bunch of kids books, next I'll have her tackle the toys, move on to my kitchen and closets. It is nice to have someone un-attached to just junk stuff. My problem is I can't even look at her toss pile or I'll be pulling broken-used stuff out for dumb sentimental reasons.

Happily tonight I put both kids in their beds, a little drink and hot water bottle for Tagg (leg aches nightly!!) & they both fell asleep. Thank goodness as they want to stay up later and just don't get to sleep early anymore. We'll see if they can keep this up.


Talia said...

love your banner and tagg is looking so old now! holy cow! can't wait to see you guys again!!

Sonia said...

Your blog looks great. I think Berkeley is looking more like you everyday. Both Tagg & Berkeley are getting so big. We can't wait to see them in a month. Oh . . .I heard a good one the other day to get rid of bruises, before they show up. In your hand spit and add some salt. Mix together and rub it on the bruise. Suppose to make it disappear before it appears. Try it. Well . . . off to swimming lessons. Love you!!!